var texts=['Are you sure you want to reset the form?', 'Width and Height must be within the range of 2 and 512',
'.ICO file type does not support height or width of more than 255 pixels',
'The generator has shown an error. You are either generating too fast or there is a problem with the server.
Please, wait for a couple of seconds and try again. If the error persists, please contact administrator',
'Something went wrong. Please, refresh and try again',
'Incorrect e-mail address',
'E-mail address is not registered',
'Incorrect code',
'Code entering limit is over. Please, try again',
'Only latin charaters and !@#$%^&*()_+?{}[] symbols allowed',
'Wrong e-mail address',
'This e-mail already exists',
'Error. Please, try again',
'You entered wrong code',
'Your account has already been confirmed. You can login now',
'You could not confirm your e-mail. Please, register again',
'The account does not exist or has been removed. Please, sign up again',
'You have successfully verified your account and we have automatically logged you in',
'Incorrect e-mail',
'E-mail is not registered',
'E-mail is already confirmed',
'You could not confirm your e-mail. Please, register again',
'You have successfully verified your account and we have automatically logged you in',
'Passwords do not match',
'Something went wrong. Please, try again',
'There are no items in your cart',
'Are you sure you want to remove selected items from the cart?',
'Are you sure you want clear the cart?',
'Separate files',
'Horizontal sprites',
'Vertical sprites',
'Your downloads cart is empty.\nPlease, add icons for download from the generator form',
'Select a file or enter url, please',
'Iconset name can not be empty',
'Only latin charaters, white spaces and "-" and "_"',
'The given iconset name already exists',
'Please, login or sign up',
'Error occured. Please, refresh and edit this iconset from menu on the right',
'Are you sure you want to delete this iconset?',
'Unknown error occured.\nPlease, try again',